Bobby López Personal Library

Bobby López Personal Library

The Particles of the Universe 2: Disrupted
Jeff Yee
The Particles of the Universe [2]: In the late 1800s and early 1900s, our understanding of the elements that create the matter of the universe changed radically with the Periodic Table of Elements and the discovery of the proton. Before these discoveries, it was believed that atomic elements were unique. Gold, silver, iron and dozens of other elements are now attributed to a unique number of protons in an atomic nucleus. After its simplification, this newfound understanding of the atom led to significant advancements in new materials, electronics and eventually nuclear energy. By the late 1900s and early 2000s, a new problem surfaced with the atom and the complex behavior of its components. This is referred to as the subatomic domain, which is the world that is smaller than the atom and ...